To start, add the Open Collaboration repository to your project:


Using Geyser

Please note: this information will be updated with a new API at a later point, but the old API structure will continue to work.

Add Geyser’s common codebase as a dependency:


To get a Geyser player, or check if a player is from Bedrock:

GeyserSession session = GeyserConnector.getInstance().getPlayerByUuid(uuid);

session can be null if such a player does not exist on Geyser.

GeyserConnector.getInstance() will be null until after the Geyser plugin enables.

Using Floodgate

This page has a very simple primer for the Floodgate API. For a full breakdown, see here.

Add Floodgate’s API as a dependency:


Get the Floodgate API using:

FloodgateApi api = FloodgateApi.getInstance();