In order for this to work, you MUST have Java 8 installed!

Once you have downloaded and placed Geyser into its own folder, you will need to create a startup script; similar to how you’d run a Bukkit server.


  • Create a new text file in the same location as the Geyser jar file, and call it run.bat. Open this with a text editor (preferably Notepad++), and insert the text below:
    @echo off
    java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser.jar
  • Double-click the run.bat, and Geyser should start up. Geyser will generate all the needed files.


  • Create a text file called run.command, and open it with a text editor such as TextEdit or TextMate. Type the text below into the run.command file:
    cd "$( dirname "$0" )" 
    java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser.jar
  • Open Terminal, and type in chmod a+x (Do NOT press return!), and drag your run.command file into the Terminal.
  • Press return on your keyboard, and Geyser will start up. Geyser will generate all the needed files.


  • Create a file called, and open it with a text editor. Type the text below into your file:
    cd "$( dirname "$0" )" 
    java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser.jar
  • In your default terminal application, make the file executable by running chmod +x ~(dir)/ where dir is the name of the folder Geyser is in, or by changing the file permissions;
  • Open your default terminal application, and type ./ to run Geyser. Geyser will generate all the needed files.